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Rambler's Top100
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Ecotour must be cheap


Most of our web-page visitors voted for this option in poll.

64 % of respondents will join ecotour if it is cheap. 15 % of respondents prefer comfort in any case. The same 8% gets option ecotravel out of the homecountry and those who have no idea what is ecotravel. It is quite sad results for our company, that only 5% of the respondents prefer ecotravel style. Thus, we wonder: Why did you get to our web-page today? We will be grateful to your sincere answers.



Ecological Travel Centre in the press


Participation in exhibitions

Participation in conferences


What news from the Russian protected areas are you interested in?

animals and insects news

tourist infrastructure updates

reserves events

volonteering options

flora and mushrooms news

sciemtific research results and projects

tourism news

not interested

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Rambler's Top100 Рейтинг@Mail.ru