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Ball on the Lawn - 2010


WWF Charity Ball took place on July, 3 on the meadow of Le Meridien Moscow Country Club. Out "photo studio" was very popular with the guests!

The program of the Ball on the Lawn included a festival of music and dancing, an open-air picnic, games and competitions. Ball guests included well-known artists, musicians, poets as well as reputed journalists and other environmentally-conscious celebrities keen to contribute to the revival of Russia’s nature reserves.
Being partners of the Ball we organized a photo studio. Disguising themselves guests could imagine they were in Peru, Mongolia, fishing in Siberia or bird watching in Volga delta.
For the second consecutive year we conceed three weekend ecotours for the lottery that takes place during the event. This year we have granted certificates for the following tours:
- Following the Tracks of Deasman and Beaver in Oksky Reserve,
- Reflection of Poozerie phototour in Smolenskoe Poozerie National Park,
- Along the Trails of Pure Forest Biostation phototour




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