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Wilderness eco-tours

Wildlife ecotours are journeys to specially protected areas of our country. Russia has 103 nature reserves and 47 national parks, which together constitute the so-called "green network" of protected areas. They are distributed across the whole of the country, from the sandy dunes of the Kurshskaya point to the resting place of seals on the Komandor Islands, from the subtropics of the Caucasus to the mouth of one of Siberia's largest rivers - the Lena. They are all unique in their own way, and trips to these places are always fascinating.

Employees of protected areas, highly knowledgeable about nature, will lead you along ecotrails, while specialists from the ecotourism division will make sure that you are comfortable along the way, whether you spend your nights in a guesthouse, tourist base or a tent.

Nature reserves and national parks are created for the protection and study of unique plants, rare animals, beautiful landscapes, mountains, volcanoes and caves. For example, Vrangel island is the primary "maternity ward" for polar bears in the Russian arctic. Meanwhile, in the Prioksko-Terrasniy nature preserve, a nursery of sorts has been established for bison, where the calves are raised and then released into the wild. Near the southern edge of the Shulgan-Tash reserve, you can visit one of the most famous karst caves in the world - the Kapova, where Paleolithic cave paintings have been discovered. Beneath the cave is a lake so pristine and deep, that the water on its surface is turquoise.

In addition, on these territories, one can often find various interesting historical and cultural landmarks, such as wooden churches in the Kenozersky park, traces of a shipwreck from the famous Bering expedition on the Commander Islands, mysterious gravestones in the "Alkhanay" or the remains of defensive structures of the Kyrgyz nation in "Shushensky bor".  

These journeys will help you forget the neverending noise of city streets, and submerge you into the world of untouched nature, where the air is fresh, water is the tastiest beverage, and at night, you can see millions of stars. You will rest, recover your strength, and perhaps take a peek at one of nature's endless mysteries.



Late availability:

31.07.24 - 07.08.24
The White Sea Whales - Karelia

06.08.24 - 15.08.24
Sayan ring

07.08.24 - 14.08.24
The White Sea Whales - Karelia

14.08.24 - 21.08.24
The White Sea Whales - Karelia

20.08.24 - 29.08.24
Sayan ring

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