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Chernozemye is a true wonder of Central Russia. On its territory one can find a number of unique nature reserves and ancient Russian cities. The name of the region comes from the word chernozem (fertile black soil), which indicates the steppe nature of these places. Many animals and birds on these lands are listed int he Red Data Book (endangered species).
There are no high mountain peaks covered with snow, no bright contrasting colors of the south, no soothing sea surf. But rest assured, these magical places do not leave anyone indifferent. They delight both the hearts of every person living there and those who have visited Chernozemye at least once.
Among the fields diligently cared by local farmers, often rise: ancient kurgans (burial mounds), pleasing aspen bushes, scattered in damp depressions. An unforgettable impression is always left by the Russian steppes, islands of which have survived from plowing on the slopes of sukhodols (waterlessvalleys), near the edges of forest belts and in nature reserves of the Kursk, Lipetsk and Belgorod regions.
In spring and early summer, this is a fancifully woven carpet that kaleidoscopically changes its color following the flowering steppe grasses–pasque flower, adonis, scorpiongrass (forget-me-notflower), mountain clover. Throughout the Chernozem region, fields are surrounded by dark strips of forest. These are man-made field-protective plantations, but there are oak groves–emerald decorations of Central Russian nature.

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